Illustrating Medical Humanities / by Camille Aubry

The Intercalated BA in Medical Humanities is a one-year course proposed by the University of Bristol and led by Dr John Lee. It is aimed at medical students and focuses on the contribution of humanities to the accomplished practice of medicine and medical research. Their aim is to produce better doctors - emotionally and cognitively intelligent, culturally aware and philosophically enquiring.

Since my first collaboration with Dr John Lee for the #MedicineOnTheWalls project, I had the pleasure to capture the students’ end of year meetings with live illustrations as well as occasionally teaching comics workshops during the first term.

As the course is starting again this week for the new academic year, it is an opportunity for me to share the latest end of year meeting. In the past few years I have witnessed future medical professionals sharing their appreciation for the course. They describe it as a safe space to pause and reflect on their medicine journey and to open their eyes to other career paths that medicine can offer.