I’m pleased to introduce Exquisite Corpse, a series of three virtual live illustration performances taking place at the end of August. You can book your free ticket here.
Through this series of short live illustration performances, I want to give the audience a moment of peace and quiet, perhaps even a meditative experience. The liveness of the performance will bring people to the heart of my drawing process, triggering a range of emotions that I hope will be liberating.
Carefully curated to ambient soundscapes, EXQUISITE CORPSE invites you to a playful, quirky but relaxing experience on the last three Mondays of August:
Monday 17th August, 8-8.15 pm: HEAD
Monday 24th August, 8-8.15 pm: TORSO
Monday 31st August, 8-8.15 pm: LEGS (and reveal!)
The performances will take place on my new YouTube channel. Please subscribe, click like and share if you feel able, I am appreciative of your support!
This activity is gratefully supported by a grant from Arts Council England Emergency Respond Fund for individuals.